About US
Our mission is to create the most complete photographic database of Ty product. We would appreciate any help in this mission. We think of this collection and online archive as a collaborative effort,
this archive belongs to no one, it is “OUR” collection, YOU included!
After a 20 year hiatus Chris jumped back into collecting, and reached out to Robyn, CJ, Bruce and Chrispy. It was at this moment the “Ty Plush Archive” was formed. Together, we embarked on an ambitious journey to explore every aspect of our knowledge, with the ultimate goal of creating this website.

Chris recalled much of his information he originally gathered with his experience with Jeannine Marron Twardus who created the first list of Ty classic plush, and his work with the BeanieMOM Q&A which was one of the first early databases for Ty product.
We compared notes with Beanie Mania by Becky Estenssoro and Becky Phillips, the Beanie Tracker created by Karen Holmes and Karen Boeker along with every issue of Mary Beth Sobolewski’s Bean Bag World.
In our early years we paced each other to assemble our collections. The more detailed knowledge base did not exist making it fun to explore this frontier in collecting. In our efforts we have had the opportunity to confirm information directly with staff working with Ty during the times these products were being produced.
To understand The Ty Plush Archive, first understand that Ty started in 1986 with regular plush often called “Ty Classic Plush”. This quick summary of Ty’s earliest product lines keeps it short.