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Designer prototypes: Tiny Tim, Ricky, Reggie White ,Carlin, Guthrie, Nola, Emily

Test prototypes: Reggie with Reggie White, Reggie red bow, Reggie red bow, Dexter, Fraser, Woolie cinnamon, Nola, and Morgan. Most do not have tush tags, Nola has a woolie tush tag.

Production prototypes: Tiny Tim, Tyler, Clifford, Henry, Reggie, Wooly Gold, Woolie Brown

Demo Production prototypes: Oscar, Malcolm, Abby, Cassie, Dickens, Murphy, Brewster, Scooter

Woolie’s original prototype was the original design of Linda Harris.  This example was handmade by Linda Harris and was named Guthrie. 

Production Prototypes

This original test prototype does have evidence of a tush tag having been present and appears to match the large 1A tush tag not otherwise observed on this Attic Treasure. the third photo shows large 1A tush tag in comparison and the 4th photo compares the typical woolie 1A tush tag usually seen on this Attic Treasure. 

Beanie Mania Article

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